Mythos Pedals x That Pedal Show
Two-In-One Clean Boost & OctaFuzz

Zero confusion – we even made it red!

Separate level for octafuzz
Balance boost and octafuzz exactly as you want

octafuzz blend
A little or a lot – super subtle or raging!

A Simple Evolution of a Modern Classic
Mick Says...
This pedal came about pretty much by accident. The regular Mythos Argo had been on and off my personal board since it came out. On because I love the sound of it, and off because octafuzz is a pretty specific kind of noise for your average small bar gig. Ha!
The on and off worlds came together when I was lucky enough to sit in on a few shows with my good friend Aynsley Lister. It would have been overkill to take a full board, but I decided that an element of that low-blend, emotive and vocal octa sound would work. I plugged in the regular Argo to my rig and started with the Blend control at zero…. Woah!
I was knocked out by how good the Argo’s straight boost sounded, minus any octafuzz. In that moment it went from an occasional pedal, to a staple on the board. I’d use it as a boost in the way you’d use any other full range boost, and then turn the blend up and adjust the volume when I wanted the octafuzz sound. It works great!
The rest was obvious. Zach worked out how to replace my bending and adjusting with just one extra switch and knob: no bells, no whistles. Well, maybe one bell – inside are two options on the overall brightness of the boost. Set it, forget it.
I hope you like the red knob too. I wanted to make sure that nobody - not even me - could be confused as to what’s doing what.
Turn it up, soak it in reverb and wail!
Image Copyright: Blackham Images

Mythos Pedals
Meet the Makers
The idea behind Mythos is to make simple effects that anyone can enjoy.
Mythos was started by Zach Broyles in 2010 after making pedals for himself and friends.
Operated by a small and passionate team outside Nashville, Tennessee, Mythos Pedals are built by musicians who love tone and all things guitar.
Zach originally began modifying guitar effects back in the mid 2000’s but started building his own circuits after diving deep into how guitar effects worked.
Mythos took a few years to get off the ground but after moving to Nashville and getting a job at Carter Vintage Guitars the future was clear.
In late 2017 Zach began chasing the Mythos dream and decided to pursue it as a career full time.
The rest, as they say, is history!